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Harmony Begets New Things

The Academy of Contemporary China and World StudiesUpdated:  August 30, 2024

Harmony Begets New Things

This notion can be traced to Discourses of the States (Guo Yu). It was advanced by Court Historian Bo Yangfu during the late Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 B.C.). According to him, harmony means coordinating and balancing different things. Only by maintaining differences does harmony beget new things, which will then thrive by absorbing external elements. Progress cannot be sustained merely by combining things of the same type.

Therefore, harmony is even the strategy to accomplish the goal of begetting new things, with differences being a prerequisite. This idea promotes fostering respect for differences and opposes homogeneity. New things will emerge over time through various elements interacting, coordinating, and balancing each other. Influenced by this idea, the Chinese tend to look at changes in a positive way and embrace new things. This idea also underpins China's advocacy of cultural exchange and mutual learning to drive the progress of society and humanity.


