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The spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression December 2, 2020

The spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 

The Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was the highest military academy of the CPC-led people's army. It was opened in June 1936 and ended its mission in September 1945 with victory in the Chinese people's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Despite its poor conditions in the harsh wartime environment, the university followed a sound political orientation. Its faculty and trainees practiced frugality and overcame all the difficulties they faced. It trained more than 100,000 military and political officers, who played a great role in winning the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation that followed.

In his book, Red Star Over China, American correspondent Edgar Snow described the university as holding classes in earthen caves, and making stones and bricks into tables and benches and clay walls into blackboards. It might have been the only higher learning academy in the world whose classrooms could resist bombardment of any kind.

The spirit of the Military and Political University of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression enjoys a high status in the hearts of the Chinese people, and is still cherished today.


