ㄑ 20th CPC National Congress ㄑ Press Briefings

Press Center for 20th CPC National Congress: 2nd press conference

China.org.cn | October 21, 2022

Study Times:

In recent years, in such urgent and difficult tasks as poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, earthquake relief, flood fighting and rescue, primary-level Party organizations in various fields have actively played the role of fighting bastions, organizing Party members to charge ahead who would shout, "I am a Party member, I will go first! I am a Party member, follow me!" How are the Party members able to stand up when facing urgent, difficult, and dangerous tasks?

Xu Qifang:

Thank you for your question. The strength of the Party comes from the organization. The Party's primary-level organizations are like the "nerve endings" of the Party's body and the basis of all the Party's work and combat capability.

A Party branch represents a bastion, and a Party member is a symbol of the Party flag. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has unswervingly promoted the extension of full and rigorous self-governance of the Party to the community level, focused on improving organizational strength, highlighted political functions, promoted the progress of primary-level Party organizations in all fields, which can withstand any tests, and fully played the role of primary-level Party organizations as fighting bastions and the exemplary vanguard role of Party members. The broad masses of Party members braved hardships and dangers, shouldered heavy burdens, and charged ahead at critical moments and in completing major tasks, fully demonstrating the pioneer image of communists in the new era.

For example, we have made in-depth efforts to promote Party building to facilitate fighting against poverty, assigning a total of 255,000 teams to village stations and more than 3 million Party first secretaries and officials in villages to deeply root at the rural primary-level frontline, who led the people to rid themselves of the shackles of poverty and achieve prosperity, declared victory in the critical battle against poverty, and were widely praised by the people.

We regard rural revitalization as a big stage for cultivating and training Party members and officials. We selected excellent and strong leaders for village party organizations, continued to select and assign the Party first secretaries and teams stationed in villages, regularly rectified weak and lax village party organizations, fully mobilized Party members to actively participate in rural revitalization, and converged powerful forces for rural revitalization.

Under the unified leadership and command of the CPC Central Committee, Party organizations at all levels have effectively organized officials and members, as well as the public, to participate in epidemic prevention and control. Party officials form a strong frontline defense to protect lives, playing a mainstay role in the fight against the virus. It is common to hear statements like "I'm a Party member. I'll go first!" and "I'm a Party member. Let me do it!" resound in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. Motivated by Party members, the public has moved to action and joined hands to fight against the virus.

In earthquake relief and flood fighting, Party organizations at all levels have set up Party member teams to respond to urgent and difficult tasks and clearly defined Party members' responsibilities for specific dam sections and households. Through hard work and dedication, Party members have stayed true to the original aspiration and founding mission in their actions and safeguarded people's lives and property.

The practice has proved that grassroots Party organizations and members are always the nation's most reliable and strongest backbone, whether in everyday life, critical moments or difficult times. This constitutes our Party's political strength, organizational strength and strength in maintaining close ties with the people. These strengths originate from the fact that the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core leads by example, mobilizes the whole Party to uphold consensus, keep a firm will, and take coordinated actions. It rallies Party officials, members and the public to forge ahead and contribute to the new journey in the new era. These strengths originate from the fact that Party organizations and Party members at all levels take the initiative to study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, stand firm in ideals and convictions, strengthen Party consciousness, and preserve the political character of Party members. These strengths also originate from the fact that Party organizations at all levels rigorously carry out regular education and day-to-day management to cultivate Party members inside and out, so that they can play an exemplary role in everyday life, stand out at critical moments and make sacrifices in difficult times. Thank you.

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